Bambino Roasted Vermicelli 900G

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Bambino Roasted Vermicelli 900g

More Information
Brand Bambino
Calorie Unit of Serving:Per 100g Fat:1.0g Saturated Fat (Saturated fatty Acids):0.2g Mono unsaturated fatty acids:0.1g Poly unsaturated fatty acids:0.6g Trans fatty acids:0g Cholesterol:0mg Protein:
Nutritional Value Unit of Serving:Per 100g Fat:1.0g Saturated Fat (Saturated fatty Acids):0.2g Mono unsaturated fatty acids:0.1g Poly unsaturated fatty acids:0.6g Trans fatty acids:0g Cholesterol:0mg Protein:10.5g Fibre:2.5g Carbohydrates:82.5g Sodium:0g Iron:3mg Calcium:3mg
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